

Programmatic video advertising

It was an honour for Advant Technology to assist the charity Shelter as part of their 2019 winter campaign. By distributing video ads across a specific list of premium news websites, we achieved viewability rates of 70%.

As the country’s leading housing and homelessness charity, Shelter is fighting to tackle homelessness throughout the year. During the cold winter months, the need for emergency housing becomes even more urgent, and with that, the need for charitable donations.


With the aim to maximise awareness and donations for the Shelter brand over the winter period, Advant Technology used a mixture of premium video placements across tier 1 and tier 2 sites focusing on brand video metrics and donations. Shelter also provided us a blacklist of sites, which we ensured we never appeared on.

The targeting methodology was focused around delivering these ads within a contextual environment across content relating to charity, donations, homelessness and topics relevant to women (as women are more likely to make charitable donations).

We utilized Integral Ad Sciences pre-bid fraud filtering to ensure impressions were brought against high-quality traffic on large player inventory.

Pixels were placed across the Shelter site allowing us to create lookalike audiences whilst still maintaining a strict whitelist.

Due to efficient media buying, we were able to buy impressions at a lower than expected rate, allowing us to give Shelter 15% back in added value, essentially 15% more impressions at no extra cost.

Campaign Overview

  • Pre-Roll & Native video campaign
  • Targeting & Optimisation
  • Budget split into Premium Tier 1 & Tier 2 publishers
  • Positive and Negative Contextual keyword targeting across all media
  • Upweighted campaign towards later 1/3rd


  • Viewability threshold of 70%
  • Completion rate of 54%

Shelter programmatic advertising

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